Would he MPF102's in the form of a source coupled pair forming an oscillator have the drains connected, or am I misunderstanding the mirrored JFET symbol (with gate on right side, does D & S switch locations)? If I have not made my question too confusing, can someone please take a moment to help clarify my confusion. If my current interpretation of the schematic is correct, the drains of the two JFETs in this oscillator are coupled. I cannot seem to find a good representative image to help me decipher a source coupled pair like this. However, in my mind when it is mirrored and the gate is now on the right side of the schematic symbol, it's drain and source remain oriented the same as the other symbol (drain on bottom, source on top). I recognize the layout of the JFET with the gate on the left side, the drain on bottom and the source on top. Click to expand.Q2 is a mirrored version of the schematic symbol for an N-Chan JFET (Q1).